在13岁时,孔翠英开始在一家经营云吞面的小店工作。 久而久之,她也渐渐爱上了这道传统面食。凭着她多年经验,她和姐姐决定调配自己的云吞面秘制酱汁,再加上传统的烹饪方法,风味和新鲜食材的坚定信念,她们创立了国记云吞面。
她在劳明达美食广场的第一家云吞面摊位很快因道地的传统古早味面食大受欢迎。 这道富有人情味的美食,也赢得了许多本地食客的忠诚,一代复一代的食客从全岛各地特意来品尝这道传统面食与招牌手工云吞。
Since moving to Foch Road in 2019, Hong, together with her two sisters and daughter, continues her daily preparation using the freshest ingredients and serving their simple yet delectable wonton noodles to familiar faces. Today, Kok Kee Wonton Noodle has been acknowledged as “One of the Best Wonton Noodle in Singapore” by various local food critics and mainstream news and media outlets.
在13岁时,孔翠英开始在一家经营云吞面的小店工作。 久而久之,她也渐渐爱上了这道传统面食。凭着她多年经验,她和姐姐决定调配自己的云吞面秘制酱汁,再加上传统的烹饪方法,风味和新鲜食材的坚定信念,她们创立了国记云吞面。
她在劳明达美食广场的第一家云吞面摊位很快因道地的传统古早味面食大受欢迎。 这道富有人情味的美食,也赢得了许多本地食客的忠诚,一代复一代的食客从全岛各地特意来品尝这道传统面食与招牌手工云吞。
Since moving to Foch Road in 2019, Hong, together with her two sisters and daughter, continues her daily preparation using the freshest ingredients and serving their simple yet delectable wonton noodles to familiar faces. Today, Kok Kee Wonton Noodle has been acknowledged as “One of the Best Wonton Noodle in Singapore” by various local food critics and mainstream news and media outlets.